Click in each lecture/seminar/plenary to see title and abstract
Mexico Time Zone
MONDAY, Nov 9th
TUESDAY, Nov 10th
9:30 am Zoom room open
9:45 am -10:00 am Opening ceremony
10:00 am - 11:00 am Lecture 1. J. Kunz
11:00 am - 12:00 am Lecture 2. J. Said
12:00 am - 13:00 pm Main seminar 1. T. Baker
13:00 pm - 13:45 pm Plenary 1. O. Valenzuela
13:45 pm - 14:30 pm Plenary 2. J. Mifsud
14:30 pm - 15:00 pm Panel Discussion
9:45 am -10:00 am Welcome back
10:00 am - 11:00 am Lecture 1. J. Kunz
11:00 am - 12:00 am Lecture 2. J. Said
12:00 am - 13:00 pm Main seminar 2. N. Warburton
13:00 pm - 13:45 pm Plenary 3. L. Nellen
13:45 pm - 14:30 pm Plenary 4. C. Lopez-M
14:30 pm - 15:00 pm Panel Discussion
15:00 pm Closing session
Lecture 1: Jutta Kunz. Testing gravity with compact objects: neutron stars and black holes
Lecture 2: Jackson Said Levi. Teleparallel Cosmology - From theory to observational constraints
Main seminar 1: Tessa Baker. Testing Gravity with Gravitational Waves
Plenary 1: Octavio Valenzuela. Tests of gravity with spectroscopy surveys: eBOSS, DESI
Plenary 2: Jurgen Mifsud. Cosmological signatures of a modified dark sector
Panel Discussion (Cosmology): Jackson Said Levi, Tessa Baker and Octavio Valenzuela
Chairs session: Celia Escamilla-Rivera and Miguel Alcubierre
Lecture 1: Jutta Kunz. Testing gravity with compact objects: neutron stars and black holes
Lecture 2: Jackson Said Levi. Teleparallel Cosmology - From theory to observational constraints
Main seminar 2: Niels Warburton. Gravitational waves from small mass-ratio binaries. SLIDES
Plenary 3: Lukas Nellen. Cosmic rays in the era multi-messenger astronomy
Plenary 4: César López-Monsalvo. Self-gravitating superconductors and contact geometry
Panel Discussion (Gravitation): Jutta Kunz*, Niels Warburton and Miguel Alcubierre
*To be confirmed
Chairs session: Elías Castellanos and Hernando Quevedo